Keeletunnid Lähte Gümnaasiumis 26.09.2012

Dear All – Tervitust,

We have a nice Lagnuage Day coming up in Lähte Gümnaasium
So nice that you all participate!

Our coordinator in Lähte is Ilona Võik – our volunteer, host mother and teacher in Lähte
Her phone 53543704

Who is our team:

1) Alejandro (Mexico) phone 56 789 688
2) Iris (Belgium) phone 53 593 056
3) Anu Parvelo phone 53 020 775 (was student in Belgium 2011/12)
4) Arvi Anton 53332456 (was a student in Argentina 2010/11) He lives in Lähte and goes to Lähte gymnasium.
5) Maarja Mahlapuu – 5292323 – will be presenting YFU – She was in Uruguay 2006/07 and arrives to the school in the morning.
6) In Lähte we also have Leonie – 54632189 (Germany ) and Eva-Johanna 53541810 (was student in Germay 2011/12 ) – Family Võik

Tuesday 25th of September

Iris will start her journy from VÕRU bus station
18.30- 19.45 in Tartu Bus station

Anu will buy tickets for all 3 of you TARTU –LÄHTE 20.00 – 20.19.
Iris will find the Tartu – Lähte bus and others.

In Lähte Ilona or Eva-Johanna will meet you and then you will go to her hause and prepare more for lessons 
Later Arvi can join all of you at Võik residence  Call and talk to each other.

Wednesday 26th of September

You will go to Lähte school and the first presentation starts 8.15, last 45 minutes.
After that the language lessons start.

Do not throw away the tickets. You can ask the Money back from YFU.
The forms are on our web page:

My best Regards,
YFU Estonia