Õpilaste reis Helsingisse 30.11.13- 01.12.13

Kallid õpilased!
Loodan, et teie sügis Eestis on möödunud ilusasti. Nüüd on aga aeg minna naaberriike avastama! Selleks korraldab YFU Eesti vahetusõpilastele reisi Soome pealinna Helsingisse, mis toimub 30.11-1.12. Rohkem infot reisi kohta leiad juba altpoolt.

Dear inbound students!
I hope, that you all had an amazing autumn in Estonia! Now it is time to go to discover our neighbour countries! So YFU Estonia organizes
30.11-01.12 for exchange students a trip to Helsinki, capital of Finland. You will find more information about the trip below.

YFU trip to Helsinki, Finland

105 EUR
The price includes: ferry tickets, breakfast on the ferry when going, tickets to Heureka centre, dinner and local transport to the Heureka centre.
You should take with some extra money for free time to have lunch/to go ice-skating or shopping.
You need to transfer the money:
YFU EESTI MTÜ, account nr: 10220006518010
Explanation: Your name and Helsinki trip

For the international transaction you need:
IBAN: EE071010220006518010
Bank address: Tornimäe 2, Tallinn, Estonia

REGISTRATION DEADLINE FOR THE TRIP: November 4th That means you have to let me (mariin@yfu.ee) know by November 4th if you are coming or not and make the transfer by November 8th.

Saturday 30th of November
7:00 Gathering in A-terminal, Check-in (It’s always good to come 15 minutes earlier ) Boarding 7.15-7.40.
8:00 Ferry departure
10:40 Arrival to Helsinki
11:00-13:00 City tour guided by YFU volunteers
13:00-18:00 Freetime activities (museums, sighteeing, shopping, ice-skating in the centre? Depends of the weather)
18:00 Golden Rax Buffee – dinner
20:00 Going to volunteers homes to sleep

Sunday 1st of December
10.00 Gathering in the train station
10:30-13.30 Visiting the Heureka centre
14.00-15.30 last chance to see the city on your own
15.30 Meeting in the harbour
16.30 The Tallink ferry leaves Helsinki.
18.30 arrival to Tallinn D-terminal

REMINDER / What to bring?
-Passport, studentcard (for different discounts), parents’ written permission to stay in the country, ID card -Comfortable shoes and warm clothing. The weather can be rainy and cold.
-Extra money for food. As you can see, we only have scheduled two meals so all the other meals will be on your own. You can dine in Heureka, downtown Helsinki, on the ferry and so on.
-Wristwatch or mobile phone (don’t forget the charger).
-Good mood!
-You will sleep at homes of YFU Finland volunteers. So it would be
nice, if you would bring them a little gift ( e.g. Estonian
-Please contact me if you have any questions or problems.

NB! All the ones who are going – your natural parents need to send Diina an e-mail (diina@yfu.ee) stating that they are aware of you trip.

Mariin Suvi
(Switzerland 11/12)
00372 53334763