YFU Belgia Flanders otsib KAHTE interni 2019. aasta jaanuaris/veebruaris!

Kas tunned, et tahaksid oma YFU karjääri viia uuele – rahvusvahelisele – tasemele? Oled kunagi mõelnud, kuidas oleks töötada YFU kontoris? Tahaksid uuel aastal uue hooga uutele väljakutsetele vastu minna?!

Kui vastasid eelnevatele küsimustele jaatavalt, siis YFU Belgia/Flanders tuleb appi!

YFU Belgia/Flanders otsib kahe erineva projekti raames kahte interni. Internluse kestvus on 12 kuud ning algusaeg on jaanuar/veebruar 2019.

Projektide sisu on järgmine:

“1. Cultural games: These are games played in daycare centers all over Belgium Flanders with children aged 4-12. The games are played by game leaders who we hire during holidays. The volunteer will assist in the booking, preparation and execution of the games. This involves emailing and calling with the organisations, making a planning, contacting game leaders, preparing materials and being second game leader for big groups. It’s 80% office work, 20% execution

2. Colored Glasses workshops: These workshops are done for groups of teenagers or older. They can be done at schools, youth movements, hobby clubs, etc. The volunteer will establish contacts with organisations, book the workshop and is the workshop leader. A volunteer already trained in Colored Glasses methodology is preferred. 

Both volunteers will also assist in the promotional activities of YFU Flanders. They will contact schools and book promotional visits in the schools.”

Kandideerimiseks saada oma CV ja lühike motivatsioonikiri aadressile volunteers@yfu.be. Samale e-mailile võib kirjutada ka lisainfo saamiseks.

Kandideerimistähtaeg on 10. oktoober!

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