Předodjezdový seminař YFU 2011 13.06.2011
Díky všem za skvělý výlet do Srbska :) Jsem ráda, že jsme strávili tři rozkošné dny spolu! 10-12 JUNE 2011 We had the last YFU seminar of o…
Vaata lähemaltVelikonoční prázdniny 26.04.2011
Oh... Holidays are over, but the places I've been to with my host family these days were really amazing! 23.04-24.04.2011 we a nice…
Vaata lähemaltAre our dreams a part of reality? 04.04.2011
Dreams... That is something today's science can not explane. Every night we see a lot of dreams, which we often don't remembe…
Vaata lähemaltSomething strange is happening to me... 22.03.2011
Time flies over us, but leaves it shadow behind.Nathaniel Hawthorne I have a really strange feeling... During these 8 months I have felt so good, r…
Vaata lähemaltShortly about February 23.02.2011
ČOKOPARTY 11.02.2011 It was the first chocolate-party in my life. And it was really GOOD! Then... 16-20.02.2011 In the town named Frenštá…
Vaata lähemaltThe winter is back again! 22.01.2011
Week ago we had spring weather in Czech Republic. It's quite odd to have the air temperature +7 - +10 degrees in the second winter month... The sun wa…
Vaata lähemaltDECEMBER 22.12.2010
Ohh... Time goes reeally fast... And it's DeCeMBeR, the last month of the year 2010...Soon will be CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR!!! Today was one of t…
Vaata lähemaltAbove the clouds 17.11.2010
Is it really possible to get above the clouds not using the plane or helicopter? Of course it is! Unreal view from the mountains to the white sea of…
Vaata lähemaltMikulovice 24.10.2010
22-23. řijena byla jsem v Mikulovicech.22-23. October I was in Mikulovice.22-23. октября была в Микуловицех.22-23. oktoobril o…
Vaata lähemalt