YFU Sweden is Now Offering a One Year Intership for a period of 12 months starting preferably 16th January 2017.
Application deadline: November 13th 2016.
Tasks of the intern
The main tasks for our office intern are administrative work, contact with students and volunteers, and work related to our orientations and trainings for volunteers. Concrete tasks are administration of outbound applications, organisation of selection interviews, registration of host families and inbound student files, organisation of orientations in co-operation with volunteer leaders and more. The intern’s main priority is to support the Outbound Coordinator.
Requirements for the Internship
- Ability to speak English and/or Swedish
- Knowledge of- and passion for YFU
- Good social skills and team-work skills (polite, friendly, enthusiastic)
- Confident in using phone as main tool to contact volunteers and external partners
- Ability to work independently and efficiently
Expenses and accommodation
Accommodation will be arranged in a host family in the beautiful Swedish capital, Stockholm. All work-related expenses will be covered by YFU Sweden. In addition, the intern will receive an allowance of 2700 SEK (~€285 or $310) per month and a monthly card for transportation within Stockholm.
The Intern must provide
- Travel from home country to and from Stockholm
- Own medical and accidental insurance
Applications should include a letter of motivation and a CV. Also include a letter of reference from your YFU organisation if applicable. For host family purposes it is recommended to include a photo. Application documents should be sent via email to rekrytering@yfu.se no later than November 13th 2016. For questions or further information please contact National Director Kerstin Bergsten at kerstin@yfu.se or info@yfu.se, +46 8 650 50 25.