Video leiad siit: https://youtu.be/t82ntdNQRNA
Aitäh teile panuse eest – Sandra järv, Merilin Raidmets, Sarah Kriegler ja Kaarel Eksi
NB: Teeme ära!
Kui tunned huvi, siis võta ühendust Airikaga. Üheskoos on lõbusam!
Celebrating with us on November 11th, 2017
On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of YFU Thailand this year, our celebration will be held in Bangkok on November 11th, 2017 with all YFU families, volunteers and alumni. We warmly invite you to join us in celebrating and in spending an inspiring time with us.
At this special event, we would like to produce a short image film and of course we need all your help! It would be great if you could send us some short greetings (mpg, mp4, avi or mov) which some words in English and some in your mother tongue language (no longer than 1-2 minutes). It could be the congratulations for our celebrating or other chance beyond such as your insight in your work or funny story, etc, just feel free. Please send it within October 15th, 2017.
Thank you very much.
Warmest regards,
YFU Thailand