
My name is Esben and as some of you might know I have been an intern at YFU Estonia since the end of august. I cannot describe how much I’ve grown to like Estonia! You might be wondering why I have enjoyed Estonia. I am wondering that too sometimes. What is it about Estonia that is so special? I really cannot pinpoint it to one or two things, but I have grown found of everything Estonia has to offer. From the kohuke, to the tough and beautiful language. From the kange sinep to always having a place to sit on the bus. These things and more have made me grow found of Estonia. Tallinn is such a beautiful city, that is the perfect size for my liking. It is not a stressful area, there is always calm in Tallinn. But you also never get bored and there always seems to be something new to see. I also lived in Tartu, which was also an experience and a great city too.

I haven’t only been exploring the places I have lived, I have also been able to get a little bit of Estonian culture in my life. It has been a real joy to take things from this lovely place and be able to bring it back home. It has been fun to go to a school or two and see how different the Estonian schools are from the schools I am used to back home. I went to see the military parade not long ago, and I felt a sort of Estonian pride and it was really nice. Besides there were big machines, so what was not to love? I am having a hard time figuring out what made Estonia so special, but I imagine it was a lot of things. The people, the place, the experiences and the culture have all been part of why I have enjoyed my half year in this country. And this is the reason I will try to keep improving my Estonian when I get home and why this has not been my last time in this lovely country.

Tsau, näeme 🙂