YFU Academy Volunteer Development & Management Training 21. – 25. nov. Mexico City

Dear National Directors and staff members,
The International Secretariat is pleased to send out this invitation for enrollment in
YFU Academy Volunteer Development & Management Training, which is part of the
YFU Academy training series.
The event will be hosted by YFU-Mexico and held in Mexico City.
As a global network, YFU highly depends on their network of volunteers for most
aspects of their programs. As it`s emphasized in our Mission Statement, one of the
values that YFU promote is volunteering.
“The volunteer spirit at the core of YFU is embodied in the individuals and families who
devote their energy, experience, and empathy to ensure the well‐being of every
individual in YFU’s care. We believe individual learning and development flourishes in
authentic relationships motivated solely by the ideals of YFU”
For all YFU organizations, no matter their size, it remains a challenge to keep their
volunteers in a network where they stay engaged, interact and remain in contact for
mutual support while they are devoting their energy, experience, and empathy to
support mission of YFU.
The YFU Academy Training on Volunteer Development & Management aims at
 Supporting participants to make an assessment of their volunteer structure
such as opinions, assumptions, problems, needs, key issues, and/or assets
 Creating a learning space where participants share experiences, best
practices & useful tips to build and manage a volunteer network
 Giving participants the tools necessary for the implementation and
maintenance of a functioning volunteer network in their home organizations
and in today’s society
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 Developing a volunteer management plan including concrete steps to be
taken in their home organizations.
Preparatory Work
In order for all participants to benefit the most from the training, preparatory work
will start in September. This will be done through two mandatory online meetings
held in September and October, as well as a few assignments for participants to
prepare before the training.
During the online workshops participants will a) assess their NOs current volunteer
structure and b) start to prepare the change process in their National Organization.
Follow-up Work and Evaluation
Participants and their National Organizations will commit to the follow-up work and
evaluation of the training by participating in an evaluation survey after the training
and giving regular updates to each other on their progress in implementing the
desired changes. The exact approach of the follow-up process will be developed by
the participants on site.
Target Audience and Number of Attendees
This conference is aimed at staff, board members and volunteers with
responsibilities for building or managing volunteers in their country.
Target audience should:
 Have advanced knowledge about volunteer structure in their National
 Be currently active in developing or managing their volunteer structure
 Have motivation to take part in preparatory work before the training and
follow up work with concrete actions after the training.
ICDF support can only be given to one participant per country (see “Costs” section
below for details). National Organizations may submit more than one application.
ICDF funds are used to allow as many partners to participate as possible. Hence, one
person per participating ICDF member organization can take advantage of a flat
fee that covers flight costs, food and lodging as well as trainer fees. The participation
fees are as follows:
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 ICDF group 4 members
USD 800
 ICDF group 3 members USD 600
 ICDF group 2 members USD 400
 ICDF group 1 members USD 272
Additional participants from ICDF members and participants from Non-ICDF
members will have to pay all expenses associated with their participation such as
international flight and in country ground/seminar costs. The costs for incountry/seminar costs (e.g., lodging, meals, group outing) are estimated to be
approximately USD 550-650 (assuming 4 nights’ accommodations). In addition, a
small contribution for the costs of the trainer might be charged (approx. USD 30-70
per person) if the size of the group requires additional trainers.
The in-country/seminar costs are still being determined as a number of elements
are being contracted over the next month. An updated cost will be provided to you
by August 15 and it will be clear what is included.
Logistical Information
The conference will take place at Howard Johnson Almeda Hotel in central Mexico
City. Detailed information on the conference logistics will be provided to the
participants after participant selection.
Upon acceptance to the YFU Academy conference, participants will receive specific
information about expected arrival and departure logistics. Participants will need to
arrive on Thursday November 21 (arrival day) and depart on Monday, November 25
at any time. Friday through Sunday are the training days, all day.
It is the responsibility of the participants to find out whether they require a visa to
enter Mexico. As many flight connections may require a change in another country,
you might also require a transit visa. More information will be provided to you
about support in getting a visa after your acceptance into the training. However,
You can find the current list of ICDF group members on NOI. Go to Resource Center
International Structures & Agreements Bodies & their meetings ICDF and choose the file
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participants should start the research now about the need and process to acquire a
visa for MEXICO and/or a transit visa, as we need to start the procedure
Next Steps
Deadline for Submission of application form: July 29, 2013
Acceptance Decision/Information to participants August 9, 2013
If you do not hear a decision till 15
of August, please contact the IS.
Please contact Education & Training Specialist Aygen Bekte (abekte@yfu-is.org) if
you have any questions about this conference.